moving forward not knowing where to go

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I keep doing grown up things and each time I think "now I'm an adult" but I still don't feel like one. I started paying on my student loans. I finally got my staff ID for UIS and gave up my student ID. I pay bills. I'm moving into an apartment by myself. I have a retirement plan. I guess I thought that the newness of being an adult would begin to wear off and it wouldn't scare me so much, but each time I do a new adult thing I still get a little freaked out. When does it stop being scary?

I've been trying new things. Like switching to diet coke instead of classic, regular, wonderful coke. I switched shampoos, had a real (well, more real than I've had before) coffee, and got a new chap stick.

It's December! Time for cold, and wind, and ice and maybe snow. I learned that since I'm the closest one to campus in my office, I'm the one who gets to trek in on bad snow days. Hopefully I'll be able to make it out of the parking lot.

I'm moving. Did I mention that? I don't really want to move again. I like it here. I know I'm not moving far, just across the parking lot, but still. It's another change, another adjustment. Unpacking. Stress. Not being able to find things.

Anyway, I'll get over it. I don't have much of a choice, right?

Have a good night!