moving forward not knowing where to go

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's that time of year...

It's that time of year where the weather was beautiful but it gets cold again, dashing my hopes of flowers and warm breezes and sunshine on my face.

It's that time of year where I've created a list of things standing between me and the end of the semester and the next month is going to be much busier than the last 3 combined.

It's that time of year when people are worn out and tired. Their fuses are shorter, their patience is thin, they are just tapped out. People are emotional, myself included.

It's that time of the year where I wonder if I really can make it, if I have what it takes to finish.

It's that time of year when baseball has started and people start talking about Mexican fiestas and chili nights.

It's that time of the year when I realize how distracting my TV really is and I've sworn it off for two weeks.

It's that time of my life where I find myself doing grown up things like looking at apartments and applying for jobs.

It's that time of my life where I am tired, worn out, scuffed up and listless, but there's still lots required of me and expectations had of me and I feel like crawling into a cave with a flashlight, book, and a pillow for a few weeks.

I feel like this could be me. Little girl shoes (pink, of course) because I'm still a little girl, and life had been a rough and tumble game so far.

I'm worn out. I don't have much more to give. I'm feeling that pull to just hole up and retreat. But I know that isn't fulfilling. Eventually my being will cry out for people. I need people. I need interaction. I need 'care'.


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